May 2020: The Power of Change

The Power of Change
“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”
― Albert Einstein

Last week was rough.  Everything to do with this shelter in place situation just got to me and I decided to throw myself a little pity party.   I'm a pragmatic person, but that doesn't mean I don't get a little emo too sometimes.  In my pre-Covid days I felt like I was starting to reap some of the benefits of my hard work over the years.  I loved my teaching schedule.  From the studios I teach at, to where they are located, to my class times, to what I was getting paid.  My retreats and workshops were, if not selling out, doing really well.  I was collaborating more than ever on various projects with so many other teachers and healers. And above all, I felt like I had a wonderful community around me. I knew at least half of the students in every single one of my classes and looked forward to the social times before and after class the most.  I loved it all!  And then....BAM! I couldn't go in to the studio to teach (understandably so).  I couldn't go outside.  I couldn't see friends. I cancelled all the events and retreats. All the things.  You lived it too, you get it.

So last week I wallowed a bit and then pulled myself out of it.  I've had so many wonderful email exchanges with students, studio owners, friends, you name it.  I'm also still teaching, albeit a majorly reduced schedule, I'm still connecting with you through the interweb ;)  And if I'm honest, the first month of SIP I was really happy to slow down a bit.  When you're moving a million miles a minute, does one really have the time to rethink what you're doing and where you're going?  A plan is only as good as your ability to adapt to what you encounter on your path.

I've decided to use this time to sit with my new reality and contemplate it without making any concrete decisions.  Even if I could, I'm not looking to make any changes straight away though.  But I'm certainly looking at my priorities and what I have missed the most from the pre-covid days to try and cultivate those activities going forward.  I'm hoping to adapt and create growth around what life throws my way.  I find that I was attached to what I thought was an ideal stepping stone to what was next in my master plan.  These times may not be ideal, but they are also a stepping stone.  One that I am now choosing to fully embrace.  It has given me time and space to step back and just be.

Like the song goes: "Que sera sera. Whatever will be, will be.  The future's not ours to see.  Que sera sera. What will be, will be."

How about you?  Do you have any insights?  How are you adapting to change during these times?  Have these times changed you?  I'd love to hear from you :)

With the power to change, adapt, and grow,


Laura Della Guardia